Nez Mohajir

Nez Mohajir


Nez has worked in gas and oil exploration and production for more than 60 years. Born in Hyderabad, India, Nez immigrated to the United States to pursue an education. After earning his degree in petroleum engineering from Missouri School of Mines (Missouri University of Science and Technology), he spent the first 18 years of his career at Panhandle Eastern Pipeline before founding Mohajir & Associates in 1988. Nez has evaluated and consulted on hundreds of energy projects across the United States and abroad. His work ethic and values are the fundamental drivers that have made Mohajir Energy Advisors a trusted provider of management services on energy investments. Nez and his wife, Donna, have three grown sons and have been married for more than 60 years. With great gratitude, Nez considers himself to be the embodiment of living the “American Dream.”